About us

Our Profile


Civil Defenses and SASO KSA as a 3rd Party Certification Provider.


Internationally GCC Accreditation Center (GAC), KSA and Emirates International Accreditation Centre (EIAC), UAE


by Egyptian Organization for Standards & Quality (EOS), Saudi Standards, Metrology and Quality Org. (SASO) / SABER - KSA

A team of Senior Engineers united with technical and management expertise, moral values, discipline and decades of sound standardization and construction experiences.

Kickstarting from seeing in market mind’s eye de rigueur services that transform products into confidence that builds better environment, promotes business and safeguard life safety. Inspired by taking part on the mission of the authorities in promoting life safety and business continuity along with our ethos… our company is founded!

More so, our services showcasing our hard work and competence facilitates product trade, market access, fair & just competition and consumer acceptance on a national, regional and international levels. In addition, we are equipped with technically sound professionals, dynamic governance and decision-making mechanisms that ensures independence and impartial decisions.

Whilst pleased to announce our requirement-based processes and decisions guided with systematic mechanism safeguarding rights of all parties. We dedicate, our tactful and swift in responses, the “I-after sales team” to soothe any incumbrance coming your way from pre to post certification stages.

Spilling the beans… our experiences put our best foot forward to a one stop shop certification…

Long term business with you is our prime aim!


Empowering our people and industries to jointly uphold products and systems internationally showcasing environment, properties and life safety;


Providing continuous confidence to the customers and end users by ensuring I-Listed products and I-Listed Systems are continually fulfilling the specified requirements and fitness of purpose;


Ensuring sufficient value and market acceptance on I-Listed products and I-Listed Systems



IPS ensures I-Policies that originates from them and I (IPS Personnel to Top Management) are:


Tailored from keeping good practices such as:

Reliable customer service and well-timed;

Compliance to regulations and standards;

Equipped for certification liabilities; and

Commitment to continual improvement


Driven from etiquette towards:

Equal opportunity rule for all applicants radiating a multi-race organizational set up;

Enforceable Code of conduct agreement for all entities involved in IPS certification services ensuring impartial risks to impartiality and confidentiality of all information obtained or created during operations except for those which are made to be publicly available, agreed between all parties and those required by law or within authorized contractual arrangements and obtained from other sources are safeguarded;

Scheme requirement compliance-based certification decision;

Principle of honesty and directness in certification activities;

Continual impartiality risks analysis and mitigation;

Complaints and Appeals management objectivity;

Independence to IPS clients where no activities such as designing, manufacturing, installing, implementing, operating, distributing or maintaining the client’s certified product, service or process nor any form of consultancy or internal auditing;

IPS requirements, evaluation, review, decision and surveillance specifically confined within the scope of certification; and

Equipped with balance and credible mechanism for safeguarding impartiality.




Variety of certification types to suit market preferences; and

Universal certification accessible to all scheme applicants whose activities and products within context of I-Listing schemes, applicable to any size of the organization regardless of any clients membership to any organizations or number of certifications obtained by the clients and no any form of discriminatory certification conditions.

IPS Services Profile
